Water Sector Membership Organisations to Work Closer Together

Eight water sector membership organisations have agreed to work more closely together and collaborate around specific water-related challenges facing the UK.
The agreement followed a survey sent to membership organisations active in the UK water sector which asked each organisation if there was any overlap or gaps between organisations, and whether the way membership organisations currently worked with each other could be improved for the benefit of both their members and the sector as a whole.
The results of the survey, together with tables comparing the different membership organisations, can be found in the ‘Survey of UK Water Sector Membership Organisations’ published today and available on the websites of the following organisations:
- – Association of Drainage Authorities
- – British Dam Society
- – British Water
- – Future Water Association
- – Institute of Water
- – Sensors for Water Industry Group
- – The UK Water Partnership
- – Water Industry Forum
Water Industry Forum Chief Executive, Peter Drake, commented “All eight organisations see this survey as a ‘first iteration’ and will be inviting others to join in a subsequent iteration.”
Lila Thompson, British Water’s CEO, added “We want it to be inclusive and open to all – we therefore intend to engage with as many other membership organisations in the water sector as we can.”
The survey was undertaken using the resources of Arup and the Water Industry Forum.