The UKWP this year has reviewed Net Zero.
UKWP is committed to set out a simple but compelling explanation of the importance for society of Net Zero being achieved.
We will showcase examples not just from the water sector but from food and agriculture. We will also link with other organizations to create a route map.
We know that Net Zero will be a key driver of global economic development in the 21st century. Investors and insurers are already pulling out of projects which are not consistent with Net Zero ambitions.
In our discussions we have reviewed:
- The need for Net Zero infrastructure
- The components of Net Zero
- The operating environment
- Identified the type of carbon emissions in both capital and operational emissions
- Demonstrated that reducing carbon reduces costs
- The paper by Jon Rathjen ‘Making a commitment to go beyond net zero’ which sets out in detail the journey that needs to be undertaken
- Definitions to ensure an agreed starting point
- A wide range of case studies in particular an example from Anglian which illustrates the importance of supporting the SME community
Following these discussions, the UK Water Partnership have worked with Jon Rathjen, from Scottish Government, to produce a note explaining the importance of Net Zero. To view this note, click the link below.