The UK Water Partnership has worked in partnership with the Department for International Trade to develop a UK water capabilities directory.
This will be used to help UK-based organisations improve their access to UK and international markets.
The UK water industry has a good global reputation through privatisation, world-class consultants and fair dealing in commercial contracts. The strong UK supply chain, large market, system efficiencies and robust regulatory framework have led to the UK being recognised as a world leader in global business adaptation to climate change in the water sector. The UK water sector has distinctive strengths, offering specialist technology providers and world class capabilities in the supply of tailored and integrated consultancy services.
Global pressures including population growth and climate change are forcing water companies and the wider industry to adapt and invest significantly in water supply and wastewater treatment. This presents huge opportunities for UK firms to market goods and services domestically to water companies and industrial clients and to also export knowledge, technology and planning skills.
The capabilities directory will allow potential customers to see what the UK has to offer, supporting potential UK trade missions and promoting the export of our goods and professional services by connecting international customers to UK suppliers.
Inclusion in the new directory is free and easy. If you are a UK organisation operating in the water sector, then sign up today. When you register, don’t forget to submit any relevant case studies that you are happy for the UK Water Partnership to use to showcase UK capability in UKWP documentation or presentations.
While registering, also highlight your expertise so that partners in the water sector can identify opportunities for collaboration.
The new UK water capabilities directory is being led by HR Wallingford and Arup in partnership with the Department for International Trade, with a Steering Group that comprised the Environment Agency, Anglian Water Services, Costain Group Plc, Mott MacDonald, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, and Twenty65.