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Organisation Registration
Company Telephone Number
0161 442 8938
Riverview, A17 The Embankment Business Park, Heaton Mersey
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Engineering, Environmental, Regulation
Type of Organisation - Contractor
Other Type of Organisation
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Water Resources, Water supply – Treatment, Water supply – Networks, Wastewater – Treatment, Wastewater – Networks, Flooding – Risk Management, General
Regions the organisation has experience working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific, Australasia
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Asia Pacific, Australasia
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
APEM possess a unique blend of environmental scientific and technical expertise coupled with remote sensing specialists, particularly suited to clients responsible for large scale land and assets, or major infrastructure projects.
Describe your business.
APEM is Europe’s leading independent environmental consultancy specialising in freshwater and marine ecology and aerial surveys.
With headquarters in Manchester, we have over 150 staff in nine offices and biological laboratories throughout the UK, as well as offices in Germany and the US.

We have been offering our clients high quality scientific support for almost 30 years and our scientists and technical experts are recognised leaders in their fields who cover a diverse range of specialisms including pollution, water quality, water resources, drought plans, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, and ornithology. Over 95 per cent of our staff are qualified to degree level or above.

Our biological laboratories receive samples form all over the world and our remote sensing operations extend to US and Asiad Pacific.
Contact First Name
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Contact Telephone Number
07827 977267